All About Mollie, aka, Mrs. Clark!

I am the youngest of the 3 Sassy Sisters. This is my second year teaching! I have two children, Kylie-9 and Isaac-6.

This picture is a glance into my everyday life. They love to irritate each other. 

They do love each other some of the time. 

I have been married for 7 years to a wonderful man that I call "hubby". He was active duty Air Force when we married and I followed him to Louisiana and New Mexico before moving back to my home state Texas. Ladies..... He is from Kentucky and has an accent that melts my heart. Yum! :0 I had a hard time finishing my degree with moving around in 3 different states. I lost a lot of credits and finally realized that I would NEVER finish if I didn't go through UOP online program. Honestly, you have to be dedicated and want it BAD! I was one of those who would climb mountains to be a teacher. It was my dream and my husband provided for my family so I could concentrate on school. I am a lucky girl.
My motivation behind my desire to finish was my family.

The feeling of freedom from essays and observations is indescribable!

I had to throw in a picture that represented why I chose to do an online program!

I student taught at an amazing school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I can't describe the joy that I felt when they placed me with Mrs. Chappell from The Apple Tree Room. You can find out why I was so excited by just visiting her blog at  I learned so many great things from her. Then, we were at the point in our lives where we had to decide to get out of the military or sign for another four years. Ahhhhh! We wanted to be close to family more than anything and so we decided to get out. Matt wanted to finish his education which was difficult with the hours he worked. So, what better time to do it! I applied all over Texas and Louisiana for a teaching position. I had an out of state certificate and was playing the waiting game to receive my one year license. The only problem was that none of the districts wanted to interview someone who didn't have their official Texas or Louisiana license. Oh the tears...... oh the pain..... oh the heart ache...... You get it? My husband wrote a letter to a Texas senator whom replied by calling the Texas Education Department and let’s just say they sped up the process from 2-3 months to one week. It does payoff to be married to an Iraq Veteran sometimes. So, Jasper I.S.D. hired me in contingency that I receive my certificate. It was my first interview and they offered me the job that day. It was the answer to my prayers. I was going to be in the same town as my sister, I could start planning to move the family, and look for a house. Matt was still in Albuquerque working until September. So, it was up to me to get everything set up on my end. Now, that is the start of my teaching career story. My sister, Robin, had taken a break from teaching to home school 3 of her boys for medical reasons. (Don't forget to read her story) She decided that it was the perfect time to go back to work. Where do you think she applied? JASPER I.S.D.  She was hired in the same week and we have been attached ever since. I was hired to teach 1st grade and she taught Kindergarten. So, this year we requested to teach the same grade level, preferably 1st. Well, luckily for us there was an opening in first grade due to school consolidation. Wooohoooo! The story shall continue from there!


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